They shall not pass

There were 4,500 people at the SayNoToAnti-Semitism rally outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London. A clear message rang out of Zero tolerance to anti-Semitism alongside Islamophobia, racism and extremism.

Here’s Rabbi Laura Janner Klausner’s speech which she had the privilege of delivering:
We’ve been here before. Nearly 80 years ago, 100,000 people including my grandfather, rallied near here in Cable Street to defy the march of Mosley’s anti-Semitic fascist black shirts. Reports told that ‘Every avenue was blocked by huge crowds of people – Christian and Jew.’
Protesters stood together as we are standing today and chanted “They Shall Not Pass! They Shall Not Pass!”
They knew that hatred often starts but never ends with Jews. If the anti-Semites passed – if intolerance flourished – the freedom of every minority and ultimately all British people was under threat.
Here we are today and anti-Semitism, racism and fascism remain a reality.
We know that Nazi hashtags and thuggery outside our synagogues – whether Reform, Orthodox or Haredi – spells danger for Jews first, but that it will be the black person or the Muslim family next. This is broader than anti-Semitism. This is not just about Jews. These attacks on Jews are attacks on the very fabric and cherished values of Britain.
As on Cable Street, Jews cannot expect others to lead the fight against anti-Semitism but nor can we do it alone.
We must remain vigilant against extremism and stand united with our British brothers and sisters, remembering our common call to freedom: They Shall Not Pass. They Shall Not Pass.

Jews & other Brits stand togetherBritish people, Jewish and not, stand together for Israel and against anti-semitism (Jew hatred.) Thank you for your solidarity.

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